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Privacy Policy

Cyprium Metals Limited (“Cyprium Metals”) collects data from interested parties who voluntarily register for information alerts and distributions. Cyprium Metals aims to maintain a safe and secure system of handling your personal individual information, whilst still providing access to your personal information when required. For this reason, Cyprium Metals ensures that your personal information is handled in strict compliance with the Commonwealth Government’s National Privacy Principles.

Cyprium Metals only collects personal information that is necessary for the company to carry on its business functions. Information is provided voluntarily by you, and may include your name, email and physical addresses, company/employer, contact phone numbers and interest category. The primary purpose of collection of personal information is for the maintenance of a register for automated email alerts regarding Cyprium Metals website updates.

Cyprium Metals will only use your personal information for the primary purpose it was collected. Should Cyprium Metals wish to use your personal information for any reason other than the primary purpose or a directly related purpose, Cyprium Metals will obtain your consent, if practicable, to do so.

Your personal information is collected by way of automated transmission from our web host collection mechanism to the secure company server. Cyprium Metals will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure both physically and through computer security methods.

Your personal information is maintained within the company’s internal records and computer systems and Cyprium Metals will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information used or disclosed is accurate, complete and up to date and is not available, released, sold or otherwise distributed or disclosed to parties external to the company, except where required by legislation. Cyprium Metals will also take all reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify the information if it is no longer needed for any purpose. This information is subject to general privacy legislation in the Privacy Act 1988 and Corporations Act 2001.

You can contact our Privacy Officer if you would like details of your personal information which we may hold about you or if you would like us to correct it. Should you no longer wish to receive communications from Cyprium Metals, you should also contact the Cyprium Metals Privacy Officer and they will ensure this is corrected. To ensure the integrity and safety of personal information, the company will only disclose such information if our internal procedures are satisfied. Depending on the nature of your request, we may ask you to complete a personal information request form.