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Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX: CYM) is an ASX listed company headquartered in Perth, Western Australia.

Cyprium’s flagship property is the Nifty Copper Mine in Western Australia, which previously produced significant copper from both oxide and sulphide resources. Over the past two years, Cyprium has invested significant time and resources to refurbish the Nifty SX-EW (solvent extraction and electrowinning) plant and build a comprehensive understanding of the open pit potential of Nifty’s sulphide orebody. This prior investment and current capabilities put Cyprium on the path to becoming a copper producer in the near term.

Beyond Nifty, Cyprium’s current portfolio includes scalable assets in the Paterson and Murchison Provinces, which together with Nifty have a combined resource of 1.72 Mt of contained copper. The Board and Management teams are highly experienced in developing, commissioning and operating copper operations using a variety of methodologies as suits the mineralisation styles and operational circumstances.

Cyprium Metals conducts its activities with integrity, balancing the economic, environmental and social considerations to create value for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders.

Cyprium’s project portfolio provides several advanced stage opportunities that are also potential production assets, which will enable Cyprium to continue growing into a multi-asset, mid-tier copper producer.

Cyprium’s current portfolio includes:

  • Murchison Copper Gold Project, an early stage development opportunity that collectively refers to the:
    • Cue Copper Project (80%), containing a small scale, high grade copper resource; and
    • Nanadie Well Copper Project (100%), containing a larger scale, low grade copper gold deposit.