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Mineral Reserves and Resources

Nifty Mineral Resource Estimate at 14 March 2024

Oxidation Type Cut-
Measured Indicated Inferred Total
%Cu t CuCUT% t Cu t CuCUT% t Cu t CuCUT% t Cu t CuCUT% t Cu
OXIDE, SAP, TRANS 0.25 2,603,000 1.02 26,471 17,519,000 0.74 130,081 849,000 0.70 5,902 20,971,000 0.78 162,000
SULPHIDE 0.25 35,452,000 0.98 347,610 63,395,000 0.80 505,685 5,199,000 0.43 22,479 104,047,000 0.84 876,000
TOTAL 38,055,000 0.98 374,080 80,915,000 0.79 635,765 6,048,000 0.47 28,381 125,018,000 0.83 1,038,000
  1. Ore tonnes are reported as million tonnes (Mt) and rounded to the nearest 10,000; Cu tonnes are rounded to the nearest 100 tonnes; rounding may result in some slight apparent discrepancies in totals

Competent Person Statement

The information in this report that relates to the estimation and reporting of the Nifty Mineral Resource Estimate dated 14 March 2024 is an accurate representation of the recent work completed by MEC Advisory Pty Ltd. Mr Dean O’Keefe has compiled the work for MEC Advisory and is Manager of Resources for MEC Mining and a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (#112948). Mr O’Keefe has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which she is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person (CP). Mr O’Keefe consents to the inclusion in the release of the of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears.

Maroochydore Mineral Resource Estimate at 5 February 2025

Table 1: Maroochydore January 2025 Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate, by mineralisation category, ≥0.25% Cu Cutoff


Tonnes (t)


Cu Metals
(Contained t)

Co ppm

Co Metal
(Contained t)

























0.25% Cu cutoff. Metal grades take into account top and bottom cut. Numbers are rounded to reflect a suitable level of precision and may not sum due to rounding. The reported contained metal is not the same as a “recoverable” or “marketable” amount, as recovery rates and other factors can influence how much metal can be extracted. See accompanying technical report for additional details and important disclosures.

The Maroochydore Mineral Resource estimate was released to the ASX by Cyprium Metals Limited in an announcement dated 5th February 2025.


Table 2: Maroochydore January 2025 higher grade domain by mineralisation category, ≥0.45% Cu Cutoff


Tonnes (t)


Cu Metals
(Contained t)

Co ppm

Co Metal
(Contained t)

























0.45% Cu cutoff. Metal grades take into account top and bottom cut. Numbers are rounded to reflect a suitable level of precision and may not sum due to rounding. The reported contained metal is not the same as a “recoverable” or “marketable” amount, as recovery rates and other factors can influence how much metal can be extracted. See accompanying technical report for additional details and important disclosures.

The Maroochydore Mineral Resource estimate was released to the ASX by Cyprium Metals Limited in an announcement dated 5th February 2025.

Competent Person Statement

The information on this page that relates to the estimation and reporting of the Maroochydore Mineral Resource Estimate dated 5 February 2025 is an accurate representation of the recent work completed by MEC Advisory Pty Ltd. Mr Dean O’Keefe has compiled the work for MEC Advisory and is Manager of Resources for MEC Mining and a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (#112948). Mr O’Keefe has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person (CP). Mr O’Keefe consents to the inclusion in the release of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears.

Hollandaire Mineral Resource Estimate as at 29 September 2020

Resource Category Material type Volume Tonnes Cu % Cu Tonnes Au g/t Au Ounces Ag g/t Ag Ounces
Indicated Oxide 5,000 10,000 1.20 100 0.09 0 4.16 1,300
Transitional 95,000 275,000 1.80 5,000 0.24 2,100 5.06 44,700
Fresh 638,000 1,894,000 2.00 37,100 0.31 18,900 6.64 404,400
Sub Total 738,000 2,179,000 2.00 42,200 0.30 21,000 6.43 450,400
Inferred Transitional 4,000 12,000 0.40 0 0.02 0 0.98 400
Fresh 194,000 593,000 1.60 9,300 0.41 7,800 6.46 123,200
Sub Total 198,000 605,000 1.60 9,300 0.40 7,800 6.35 123,600
TOTAL 936,000 2,784,000 1.90 51,500 0.32 28,800 6.41 574,000
  1. Ore tonnes are reported as million tonnes (Mt) and rounded to nearest 10,000; Cu tonnes are rounded to nearest 1,00 tonnes; Au ounces are rounded to the nearest 100 ounces; Ag ounces are rounded to the nearest 100 ounces
  2. Nominal cut-off at 0.3% Cu
  3. Resource is reported on a 100% basis; Cyprium has an 80% attributable interest in Hollandaire
  4. Gold mineralisation not associated with the copper resource that is 100% attributable to MGV, has not been modelled or reported in the Hollandaire 2012 JORC Mineral Resource estimate

Competent Person Statement

The information in this report that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results and the estimation and reporting of the Hollandaire Mineral Resource Estimate is an accurate representation of the available data and is based on information compiled by external consultants and Mr. Peter van Luyt who is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (2582). Mr. van Luyt is the Chief Geologist of Cyprium Metals Limited, in which he is also a shareholder. Mr. van Luyt has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person (CP). Mr. van Luyt consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Nanadie Well Mineral Resource Estimate as at 19 July 2022

Resource Category Material Type Volume Tonnes Grade
Cu %
t Cu
Au g/t
Au Oz Grade
Ag g/t
Ag Oz
Inferred Oxide 1,300,000 3,500,000 0.44 16,000 0.12 2,000 0.7 74,000
Transitional 200,000 600,000 0.45 3,000 0.12 13,000 1.5 31,000
Fresh 11,700,000 36,300,000 0.39 143,000 0.10 115,000 1.1 1,259,000
Total 13,200,000 40,400,000 0.4 162,000 0.10 130,000 1.0 1,364,000
Co ppm
Co t
Ni ppm
Ni t
Zn ppm
Zn t
Inferred Oxide 1,300,000 3,500,000 70 200 350 1,200 160 600
Transitional 200,000 600,000 60 40 310 200 140 100
Fresh 11,700,000 36,300,000 50 1,900 290 10,500 160 5,800
Total 13,200,000 40,400,000 50 2,200 290 11,900 160 6,500
  1. Differences in sum totals of tonnages and grades may occur due to rounding
  2. Nominal cut-off at 0.25% Cu
  3. Reported Grades and tonnages for all metals are estimated top-cut grades and tonnages

Competent Person Statement

The information in this report that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results and the estimation and reporting of the Nanadie Well Mineral Resource Estimate is an accurate representation of the available data and is based on information compiled by Mr. Daniel Noonan who is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (204063). Mr. Daniel Noonan is the Senior Resource Geologist for Cyprium Metals Limited, in which he is also a shareholder. Mr. Noonan has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person (CP). Mr. Noonan consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.